
Learning Organization Part 2

-The process of transformation-




The process of transformation from traditional to the learning organization is based on the organization’s readiness to change its vision of the future. Traditional organization is simply following and adapting to the future surroundings and events, without trying to understand why are the certain changes necessary or to recognize the potential of human resources. This organizational behavior decreases the organization’s value, limits the success, and finally - the existence of the organization. On the other side, the Learning organization recognizes the importance of the information, knowledge, and human resources, and acts as its own creator of the future. That is why the learning organization is the future of modern businesses and market.

How to become a learning organization?



The organization can become a learning organization only if it is ready to change. However, changing the whole system, with all the internal elements and external relations with stakeholders, is not easy and requires time. This process demands change in the way of thinking.

The first step in this process is to fully understand the term of Learning. Nowadays, the term Learning is usually defined only as the process of getting the information. This is not wrong, but it is also not a complete explanation.  Learning is the process of adopting new information AND changing the way of thinking.



LEARNING    =    Collecting the  +  Changing the way of                                         information                           thinking



Learning helps the individuals and organization to become capable to do new things, not able to do before. Learning is the process that helps organizations to see the world “with different eyes”.  Therefore, the precise explanation of the learning organization would be:


“The organization that constantly increase the capability to    create its own future.”


Employees in Learning organizations are highly interested in improving and developing their own potentials and sharing the vision with their colleagues. Their personal goals are USKLADJENI with the mission of the organization. Employees of the learning organization are not “slaves” of their jobs. On the contrary, their activities are dynamic, interesting, observed as an important part of the greater system.


Since the employees are the crucial and starting point of the changing process, the question is: What can one organization do, to build the surrounding for transforming or changing the way of thinking, and finally to develop into the learning system?

§  Support education, personal and professional development, of all the employees;

§  Create a system that doesn’t “punish” the employees because of their opinion;

§  Develop the surrounding where employees will be comfortable to share and discuss their ideas;

§  Build the working space comfortable and up to employees’ needs;

§  Acknowledge the effort of each individual in the process;

§  Take risks in order to learn and develop;

§  Create the backup for each action, to get over the eventual mistakes;

§  Avoid quick and easy solutions, and develop  long-lasting strategies, etc.


Characteristics of the Learning organization:

Stages of the Learning process




The learning process common for every learning organization includes 4 stages. Inputs of this process are information, both internal and external, used to improve and upgrade current processes, strategic decisions, a way of doing things, decision making, and etc. The results of the learning process can be measured as the performances of the organization after processing certain knowledge. The whole learning process represens the unique experience for each organization, highly important for future plans and programs.


Learning process

I Stage: Creation of the knowledge

The organization collects the information from internal and external sources, process them and creates their interpretation. True knowledge is much more than the information itself because it often includes the messages which are not obvious at first sight.



II Stage: Spreading knowledge through the organization

The process of the organizational learning PODRAZUMEVA spreading of the knowledge through the entire organization, making it available to every employee. This can be done using formal or informal channels.


III Stage: Memorizing the knowledge

Organizational memory is a crucial factor in the organizational learning process. Successful learning organizations have highly developed organizational memory, which allows them to treat this component as a highly important resource. Organizational memory includes:

-         written documents such as statutes and rule books, strategies and plans, monographs, decisions, 

-         unwritten rules of behavior such as norms, standards, habbits, style and other organizational culture elements.


IV Stage: Usage of the gained knowledge

The organization has to implement the gained knowledge. The result of this stage has to be:

ü change of the behavior, both individuals and organization’s

ü increased performances of the individuals and organization.


At the end of the last stage, a NEW EXPERIENCE is built and will be used as a starting point for the future learning process.


Besides the learning from personal experience, each organization should also observe the other organizations, and learn from the best practices on the market. This process is called Benchmarking and allows companies to learn from more developed companies and organizations. 

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