
Experiential learning

The experience has always been the best teacher, and the knowledge gained through experience is superior to most of the other types of learning. Learning through experience is a part of human nature, and every single individual applies this learning style, long before the self awareness and self conscious starts to develop.


Theoretical knowledge is a great base for gaining and adopting new skills, but listening and reading are simply not enough. Doing things, repeating them over and over, while changing the conditions and/or surroundings, is necessary for self development. Learning should be an adventure, because the brain requires excitement and stimulation, in order to accumulate, grow, and transform the theoretical knowledge into practical and concrete actions. Resolving the problems for which we don’t have the theoretical knowledge, push us to our limits, and force us to use all the skills and knowledge we have about other topics. Only when we reach our limits, we will be able to discover what skills we don’t have or have to improve, and what else do we have to learn.



What is Experiential Learning?


Experiential learning is a way of improving existing and gaining new skills and knowledge, based on individual experience. Experiential learning supports the active participation of each individual, as a way of personal and career development. If the experience is interactive, emotional, and challenging, it will enforce the further learning process. Physical presence is not enough, and the individuals who are not completely involved in the experience, will not gain any valuable knowledge. Therefore, the experiential learning requires thoughtful participation and involvement.


Experiential learning theory (ELT) has been developed by the American psychologist David Kolb and published in the late 1970s. Kolb defined learning as “the process whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience”. Based on the experiential learning theory, our failures and mistakes are the results of our incapability to learn from the experience.


Experiential learning is especially important for career development and can be implemented as a part of the training for new and/or current employees. Sessions can be organized as individual or group activities, where participants can learn and improve different skills, new techniques, competencies, and knowledge. The essence of experiential learning is not only the EXPERIENCE that happened, but also the answer to HOW DO WE USE that experience.  



Experiential learning has 3 critical moments:


1 – The individual will become aware of the skills that have to be improved/gained, only when the problem (which has to be resolved) appears

2 – Individual will be willing to learn more only in case of a need for a new knowledge

3 – The experience gained through the process problem solving is more useful than the information on how to solve problem.



What are the cycles of Experiential Learning?


The process of experiential learning has the following stages:


1. Experience


Learning starts when an individual faces concrete experience and focuses on its understanding. The process of understanding the specific experience begins with observation, sense, and/or reaction. Experience can be an activity like mountaineering, hiking, but also a team building and creative workshop. When an individual is involved in a certain activity, the individual participates in the experience at the same time.


2. Reflection on experience


Reflection is an essential part of the learning process and implies the collection of information about the experience an individual had. By answering the questions like “what has been done” or “what has been observed”, a person emotionally starts to connect with the previous experience. Without the emotional connection, the activity can't be transformed into a concrete experience, and further, into the usable knowledge.


3. Conceptualization


After reflecting on the experience, individuals are making specific conclusions, on a personal level. They become aware of the difference before and after the experience. It is completely up to an individual to decide how to use gained knowledge in daily activates.


4. Planning and experimentation


Introducing new skills and knowledge in future activities, projects, and life, in general, is the final step. This type of learning represents a model of active learn, and benefits not only the individual, but also its community and company. Again, it is completely up to an individual to decide how to use it.





The purpose of the experiential learning is to improve participant’s skills, ability to grow, and develop. At the end of the experiential learning cycle, the behavior of the individual should be positively changed. Successful companies are using this method in training purposes, for employees on every organizational level. The importance of this type of learning is multiple since the employees can apply gained experience in business processes like decision making, problem solving, improving leadership skills, risk management, human resources and recruitment, and etc.

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