
What Do Women Have to Overcome - Kuwait

What Do Women Have to Overcome in Order to Establish Themselves In The Business World?


            The obstacles can be put into two main categories: gender and social. When gender obstacles are considered, it must be said that psychological issues women face on their journey to becoming an entrepreneur are specifically generated by them being female individuals. 

Firstly, during their individual development and rearing girls rely on their patience and observance of other people’s feelings and needs to position themselves and have their needs served. Studies of child development have shown that a crawling baby girl would turn around to make eye contact with the caretaker in order to gain approval for further exploration ten times more than a crawling baby boy. It is not that she is needy, she is more considerate. Oftentimes this was later in development nurtured and amplified so that girls were turned into caretakers, caregivers, and moms or better said those members of a family/community who worry over needs of others and make sure those were met. 

It is difficult to recognize these as useful in the business environment where you need to be opportunistic and even ruthless in order to get your way. In the business there is no community, mostly it functions by finding and exploiting financial interest. The market conditions dictated the relationships formed between entrepreneurs and when that shift so do the relationships. Most women do not operate like this; it is the need for loyalty, recognition, service, and social justice and even attention that holds together the fine threads of their female being.  

The need for:

·        Loyalty,

·        Recognition,

·        Service,

·        Social justice

·        Drives women.

            Slowly and steadily ladies are waking their way across the ocean of entrepreneurial capacities.

Story of Princess Sheikha Hissah Saad Al-Sabah


            The story of a female leader that resonates globally is most certainly the one told of Princess Sheikha Hissah Saad Al-Sabah through which it can be viewed that bringing up is crucial for the future individual’s capacity to cope and be successful. Her impressive biography could be observed through her own highlights here. 

Dr. Sheikha Hissah Saad Al-Sabah was born as the second daughter of the king of Kuwait and therefore a princess by birthright. However, being sent to school at an early age she was told by her grandmother not to count too much on the fact that her father was a king. In her own words, this realization made her learn self-love and be her own best friend. Both of which are fundamental traits of self-preservation and ability forge successful connections with others.

Important for every young woman:

*Learn self-love*

*Be your best friend*

            Furthermore, during 1950 to 1965 when her grandfather was the king, he wrote the law making education for female children obligatory. Princess Sheikha Hissah Saad Al-Sabah has said that by this law every father who did not send his daughter to school would face jail time. Her opinion is that through education women were given the chance to challenge men academically. Eventually this translates as the higher the education the better the positions are that women could take. There is a lot of truth in this since if observed through general data more than half of women in Kuwait work in public sector which requires education. There is always the pending question of what can be done to strengthen women in society. She addressed this issue through the situation in Kuwait compared to other countries.



            New age puts new demands on the leaders and young women should be encouraged to gain financial independence through working in private sector. The female need for security and stability often prevents them from starting an entrepreneurial adventure. This is the room for improvement and that improvement has the clear objective in Dr. Sheikha Hissah Saad Al-Sabah own words: “There is a huge problem with poverty. I come from the country where poverty was eradicated. In 1965 equality was reached. What I would like to see is women coming together and helping other women and children to come out of poverty.”

            Having in mind the above-mentioned situations, female characters and the obstacles they face, it is evident that female entrepreneurs incorporate the broader vision of society through their engagement. They are capable of setting a successful business and later dedicate their time for the greater mission to help other women do the same and, in that way, achieve social status improvement for many. The formula seems to be that a woman should gain education and learn to put forward her ideas from very young age. 

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